Saturday, November 3, 2012

A Week in the Life of a Catholic School Music Teacher

Sunday - at least one mass. Sometimes 3. Currently it's an early mass, then Children's Choir rehearsal, then another mass (sometimes with the kids singing), then stalk the marimba practice at the Cathedral.

Monday - teach 4 classes, 2 duties, a ukulele lesson and 2 piano lessons, go to college choir practice which is boring and I'm not continuing it after the December 1st concert.

Tuesday - teach 4 classes, 1 duty, 1 meeting, choir practice after school til 4:30 plus transporting the marimbas to the church, RCIA (Catholic class) at night for 2 hrs.

Wednesday - direct Children's Mass, transport marimbas back, teach 3 classes, 1 duty, pull kids out of lunch for marimba practice, teach 3 piano lessons, go to church choir practice for 2 hrs. which I love

Thursday - teach 4 classes, 2 duties, 1 piano lesson, staff/group meeting, find something ridiculously fun to do.

Friday - teach 3 classes, 4 duties, Student Council meeting or staff meeting, sleep a lot.

Saturday - 1 piano lesson, pretend to clean and plan for the next week but get nowhere, sing at evening mass in church choir.

Insert prayer at every event. (yes, even at the end of recess duty). Insert mental lesson planning at every moment.


Side Note: Andie visited!

It's beautiful and it's hard. That's what she said. Just kidding. Not really kidding.

THERE'S SO MUCH TO DO. I know the lessons and choirs are my own choice but I need the money and singing. BUT THERE'S SO MUCH TO DO. Contact all these churches about scheduling and songs and caroling and gahhhh kids won't shut up.

Yesterday I felt extremely overwhelmed...what the h-e-double-hockey-sticks have I gotten myself into. A little more than 3 months ago, the big guy in the sky, his son, or his spirit had zero place in my life. Now it's constant.
I talked with a woman I respect very much at the All Souls mass last night. (yup, had mass Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday this week.) I was crying about the overwhelmingness of all of the "cult-like" ways of the church that made me very uncomfortable. She told me it was the devil on my shoulder telling me I don't need God, but she said God knows my heart even if I don't know Him.

Anyway...haven't exercised in a while. Blog fail.