Saturday, June 22, 2013

Here I go again on my own...

I'm off to see new states, people, and things.

The plan is to get to NJ the South route, come back the North. It'll be good to hoop, spend time with friends and family, and just get the travel bug out.

Life's been busy even though it's summer. Obviously I survived the year of teaching at Catholic School and really fell in love with the mass despite some rude and non-Christian behavior of some adults involved. I continued with some of my piano students into the summer and started taking on learning some things of my own like some drumming under rhythm master Steve, more "advanced" hooping, cleaning, and languages. I need this trip for spiritual cleansing, relaxation, and adventure.

I met a great girl named Regina from Venezuela and Chris from college is living with us for summer.

I've felt really close to Grace and Gerard and feel thankful for friends. They teach me so much. This is some of Gerard's progress on the house. He never stops creating!

So here I go again...

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