Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Roadtrip Day One: NJ to Pittsburgh

Not too bad.

With some good tunes in the car, some mountains for gazing, and a nice futon to rest my head, Day One was a success.

Dad helped me pack up the car and I left a little before 10 am. I felt like the road was waiting for me. Despite some traffic on the Walt Whitman and a storm near Pittsburgh, the ride was smooth. I made one stop in Lawn, PA to pee, another in Blue Mountain to eat, and another in New Stanton to gas up. Yes, I videotaped myself pumping gas for the first time. Imma big girl.

I got way lost in Pittsburgh trying to find Allie and Will. Allie is one of my closest friends I met in Vienna. She took me to a cheesesteak place where we ate a lot of grease and a gigundo beer. We hooped and laughed and caught up. She's a Music Ed lady too so we can certainly connect. Love her.

Will was an awesome host. We went to The Smiling Banana Leaf where I had a delicious banana dessert that made me smile. With his friend Elizabeth who cracked me the hell up, we had a lovely evening sharing stories.

I was exhausted from the 7 hrs of driving, but after 8 hour sleep I felt amazing.

I'm glad I visited Pittsburgh...Mom's alma mater. I wondered with every step if she had ever been standing exactly where I was. Annnnnd I hooped next to a dinosaur.

Oh yeah, Dad, I HATE your GPS. But I love you!

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