Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Sometimes I declare that I don't want to do this anymore...but that's not true. I just want to see that it all turns out alright. That by May, my chorus kids are going to miss me. That by May, I'll be re-venturing. That by May, I'll feel like I had a successful year of teaching with a job I'm going to enjoy next year...wherever in the world that may be. I'm homesick for my family and friends, but this is where I'm supposed to be. Or maybe Germany. but we'll see...

I'll admit I haven't been running. I'm so tired after school and there's planning and other stuff to do. I'm still aiming for a 5K on November 19th...though it's already snowing/freezing.

I bought a new beautiful black electric ukulele. It's my new baby. I feel like a rockstar.

That's the story. There's a lot more news. But it probably wouldn't be smart to share on the internet.

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