My goodness it's been long. Right now I'm in Amarillo for my 4th time and I have just enjoyed a juicy, delicious 8 oz steak at The Big Texan. I look like this now...
My 3rd time in Amarillo (last July - 2014) is worth story-telling...
Well, the past year of my life has been hilariously atrocious. A friend of mine and I started saying..."Next a dragon is going to fly in the window and ask if I'd like to have a spot of tea and I'll respond 'Earl Grey, please.'"
So last July I decided to hit the road, just to smell the air of a different state. I tried to head South to get to Austin to jump in some watering holes, but before I even reached the the NM-TX border, I was in trouble.
My car was freaking out. Screeching and wobbling. So i pulled over and called AAA, cried a bit as i had no idea where i was and AAA couldn't find me, and I had very little phone service. I hooped on the side of the road and played some hymns on my ukulele while I waited for the tow-truck.
The tow-truck driver was informative and annoying. I couldn't stand the ride and it wound up almost $300 for the tow. He dropped me off at the Toyota dealership in Clovis, NM, where I cried and tried not to move as my sunburn was horrible at that point. A long time later, the car guys said I was good to go. A rock. Was in my brake thing. I cried in happiness this time.
I decided at that point, with such a detour, to not go all the way to Austin. I turned upwards and figured I'd go to Amarillo to say hello to it. I'd still be feeling the air of a different state. I went into the Big Texan and sat at the bar.
The man next to me was ginormous. A trucker, probably in his 30s, long shaggy greasy hair. I tried to talk politely to him. He said things like "wow that's a lot of jalapenos, i'm surprised i don't mess myself right here on this chair," and "it's too bad i chose to work for a living."
Another gentleman came and sat on the other side of me. He was moving to Arkansas and looked forward to his retired life of playing golf. Very nice.
When retiring gentleman left, my other friend started making fun of him, saying that golf is stupid or whatever. I told him - ya know what, I couldn't care less about golf, but if for even a moment it makes this guy happy, then God bless golf.
I was eager to make this man crack. There had to be SOMETHING he enjoyed or could be happy about. I realized there was no cracking. He continued to insult me for being a "female." I walked away. God bless him.
Then I went home. A few months later I got a new car, followed by some shananigans, followed by some more shananigans. The glue that held me together was my school. So supportive and loving - both staff and students. My Spring Concert was unbelievable, if I do say so myself. My kids brought it to the next level of awesome.
Now I'm headed East to be with the family, then flying to Israel for my Birthright trip June 8-18, then doing the reverse. I plan to hit Iowa, Nebraska, and Kansas on the way back, bringing my state-hooping total to 35.
Here I go again on my own...
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