Monday, October 3, 2011

Meet Andie Bentley

I know you've heard a lot about her already, but I decided to make a blog post dedicated entirely to the lady who inspires me enough to do so.

At first-year-at-SFPS-teacher day, she was standing there alone and commented to me I think when I said that I just moved here too. Before I left she grabbed my number and I am so thankful that she did. She then texted to me, "Do you like hiking?" and I knew I had a friend.
We hike at our moderate pace, we get lost trying to find places...a lot, we laugh when there's nothing to laugh at, we're pretty much two insane blondes trying to find our way in the desert.

Andie is 28, from Indiana, and moved here for at least a year to say she did it. (kinda like me.) She teaches Kindergarten and definitely has the personality for it. I suppose that's why we get along. On our long drive to Bandelier, we shared stories and secrets, and we found out we're a lot more alike than we thought. We realized we had a support system within the two of us here in Santa Fe.

I'm so glad I have her, for this year and the years to come, because I know that no matter what happens with school, boys, housing, money, or anything else...I have someone smart and supportive to make me laugh, take on another adventure, go to yoga, or sometimes...just drive. Even if one or both of us return to our home states, she's my girl and I'll have a reason to go to Indy. The daily texts are uncanny, the blonde conversations I think only we could understand.

Another very important, special video...

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