Saturday, November 19, 2011

I did it!

Today, my friends, I LEARNED TO RIDE A BIKE!

I always knew that there would come a day where I just...did it. Michael and I were driving around and i saw a lady on a bike, looking sporty and badass. I commented "I want to learn how to ride a bike soooo bad." So, with the help of Michael's spontaneity, we went to Wal-Mart, tried out a bunch of bikes, picked out a seat and helmet, and bought the baby. It's a BMX bike...closer to the ground for my security...and it's super-badass because we bought a noseless seat so that i don't complain of it "hurting my coochie."
I wobbled it around the parking lot. We met up with Andie at Starbucks and chatted a while about laundry and running. We went to Lowe's where Andie and I were silly taking pictures in the showers and running around imaginary objects, while Michael did grown-up stuff.

We went back to Michael's and broke out the bike. Michael gave me a push and I did it. I've never felt something like that feeling before. I was wobbly, but I AM THAT MUCH CLOSER TO MY TRIATHLON RIGHT NOW! Up and down the street I went. It was like flying. It was what I've been dreaming of for years. My life is much more complete. I can't wait to ride again tomorrow.

I went to a family gathering with Michael and then to the house of a 2nd grade teacher from Nava. Christina is a beautiful woman who has been a source of support and smiles this year. She was having a ladies' night tonight - we snacked on delicious pizza, salad, sushi, and ice cream. Christina, Brigitte from Denmark, Helene from France, Mindy, and I sat and talked about TV, food, being a transplant, and children growing up to be homo/transexual.

I laughed a lot today. And I learned to ride a bike. I totally rocked this Saturday's butt.

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