Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Merry? Christmas?

So all that stuff I planned to do didn't happen because I spent Saturday vomiting. I thought it was because I was so upset over my divorce with Michael, but it turned out to be a 24-hour stomach bug. Lots of puke.

This past weekend kicked my ass.
Friday - no more Michael.
Saturday - puke. Michael drops off bike.
Sunday - spent $850 getting my brakes fixed.

Monday was pretty awesome. Snow day. My new very good friend Robert and I had a snowball fight and ate delicious food, then hung out with the band and we were silly.

It is now Tuesday. 2 hr delay made the day easy...until I left school and realized that my brakes were hardly working...niiiiice....
THEN found out that my landlady changed her mind about lowering my rent.

2 days then home. hope nobody got me anything nice for christmas...because i can't handle the thought of spending more money or shopping.
i am very upset. and i don't want to go home i want to stay in my bed and never move ever. bye.

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