Thursday, April 5, 2012

Emotional Health

Today's topic in Girls on the Run was emotional health. Identifying what you're feeling and how to handle a situation with a "Girls on the Run mindset." My girls are in 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grades and most are primarily Spanish-speaking. Answers included "bad," "sad," and "happy." As I ran around the elementary school with the silly children, I thought of all the feelings of the past week and ones I have for the upcoming week. Compassionate, Jealous, Angry, Joyful, Insulted, Flabbergasted, Apprehensive, Invigorated, Frustrated, Punchinface, Anxious, Victorious...

Concert season coming, kids with Spring Fever, me with Spring Fever, tired body. care

Dude and running's been getting harder and I'm wondering if i have asthma. I cough every time and my chest gets all crazy.

I am now cast as Mimi in a local production of RENT and am very excited about that. Good thing for emotional health. Even playing a drug addict.

Anyway...tonight I'm taking a pilgrimage from Nambe, NM to Chimayo, NM. It's this thing all the Catholic people do for Good Friday. They pray the whole walk. Starts at 10 and goes all night. Should be a beautiful experience. Though sleep sounds really beautiful too.

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