Thursday, June 4, 2015

Getting Old

After the worst traffic ever in the history of the universe (Dallas rush hour), I got to AJ's in Shreveport very late. The first thing I did was lie on the floor. AJ was a happy welcome along with his roommate and roommate's cute girlfriend. A nice clean and comfy apartment. We played ukulele and talked about everything. We didn't get a picture this time, but it was great to see each other for our 15-year anniversary of being friends.

I'm somewhere in Arkansas headed towards Nashville. I'm hoping to get there before dark. Road-tripping this time around is a constant battle between wanting to keep going and wanting to stretch. Recently I was in the hospital with bad back pain, so I feel like I'm getting old. My sciatica/back/legs/hips/butt. Already complaining. Oy.

These trips are worth it just for the thrill of the open road, when "here I go again" or "life is a highway" kicks on, and the small miracles that happen throughout. I realize more and more that I don't have this freedom forever. I want a family. There's babies everywhere.

Right now it's just about going. Hoop later.

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