Saturday, May 21, 2011

It's a Gymboree Day!

I taught two music classes at Gymboree this morning. The first class was kind of a drag, but the second brought back the magic I needed to remember that I love what I do.

We played a passing game while I sang a song, and one little girl randomly started crying (these are 1 & 2 year-olds). Another little boy, who I always thought was a little nutty, took the ball when it got to him and gave it to the crying little girl. It was the most precious thing I've seen in a long time. He wanted her to feel better and it was the best way he knew how. I felt connected to the moms and the babies in the room...that we trusted each other and could have a good time. They were appreciative of the effort I put into designing those lessons, and along with my co-worker's hugs of encouragement and babies' smiles - I've got all I need to keep working.

No gym today because I'm staying up in Princeton, but I will return tomorrow full-force.

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