Sunday, May 29, 2011

My Quarter-Life Crisis

2 and a half years back, I was preparing for my sophomore portfolio and I thought the world was ending. It was a Friday night after a long stressful week and I took myself to the Quaker Bridge Mall. I was sitting sadly eating a slice of pizza, and an old woman handed me an American flag keychain with a tag attached...

"Excuse me...Keep Smiling.
Kindly pardon my interruption, I am Deaf.
I am selling these items to help see my way through.
Will you kindly buy one?
$3.00 Contribution will be appreciated.
Thank you.
Have a nice day."

I handed her the $3 without thinking. Then realized. It felt other-worldly. I walked away a new woman. My portfolio was based on Deaf education and music. Annnnd she just told me to keep smiling.

Yesterday I went to the Quaker Bridge Mall to kill some time. I wasn't eating, but I was sitting near the food court, and a large black woman approached me. She laughed and I was confused. She said, "Punkin you wearin' heartache on yo' brow! Chin up, punkin," and she giggled on her way. Uh...are you serious? Is this a magic food court? Are angels sent when I am in need?

Then I was stopped by one of those kiosks that try to sell you products you'll never use. It was for that magic flat/curling iron. The woman was beautiful...from Ukraine. I sat down and let her play with my hair. She did my whole head, and I bought the iron. The whole $140 of the iron. If you know me at all, I don't spend that kind of money. My boyfriend just tore apart my world. All of my friends are out-of-state or busy. My family is what? fighting? I'm spending money I don't make. I'm having my quarter-life crisis.

Taught 3 great Gymboree classes and 2 piano lessons today. Now to play with baby Layla.

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