Tuesday, May 24, 2011

PinkStone Yoga

I couldn't wake up this morning to go to Pilates as planned. I lay there and push snooze, cry a little, go back to sleep, think of the things I could eat that day that might get me out of bed, cry some more... Still, when I finally got up I rushed to the gym for a quick cardio workout before I had to start a day of tasks and errands. After a visit at the doctor, food shopping for Dad, and a short video project for Aunt Lesley, I went to a yoga class with my friend Kate.

PinkStone Yoga is led by a sweetheart of a girl. It was easily the most enjoyable yoga class I've ever taken. She reinforced with her delightful speech throughout the class to focus on the self, your own goals and limits, and made it very funny as well. I welled up with tears twice, but I would just go into child's pose and wait it out. I loved the feeling of each stretch. I loved the lavender room and the smell of incense and gentle laughter in the room. I'll definitely go again sometime.

When we came into the studio, we were invited to pick two tarot cards. My first one scared me. "Solitude...Higher Self." Like, really? Really, tarot cards? I don't need you to tell me I'm alone. The second card I didn't understand. It said, "You found it! -St. Anthony of Padua." Ummm...what did I find? Who? What? Maybe it'll make sense some day.

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