Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Do Life.

On Monday, Scott and I took the train into Philly to meet Ben Davis of and his crew for a relaxed and celebratory 5k.
It was the most I've ever run before, so even though I didn't run the whole 5k, I took minimal walking breaks and felt really good especially by the end. We finished with a cliché run up the Art Museum stairs, Rocky Balboa style. It was incredible to hang out with Ben, Jed, and Pa for even so short a time. After following his blog for so long, it was unbelievable to see that they are real, huggable people.

I've spent some time mapping routes to New Mexico. My gut says go but my head says no. Or maybe that's my family that says no. Some of my family accused me of wanting to go because that's what Scott would do. In a heated response, I said that Scott has inspired me to travel and try, and because of him I will NEVER dream small.
I will follow what's right for me...

and I will take on any opportunity that feels right...
even if it's making Ben Davis do Orangeface with me.

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