Friday, June 17, 2011

Should I stay or should I go?

Some days are harder than others.

Day A I will be rarin to go...teachin' childrens, workin' on mah fitness, knockin'm dead...
Day B I will be a blubbering fool...hopeless and terrified.

Today was a Day A, but I can sense a Night B coming on, so I'm going to keep myself busy. Have a drink, prepare for music class tomorrow, make a Pro and Con list for each of the two job positions I'm being offered, straighten my hair, and watch something that makes me laugh.

As for those jobs I mentioned, one is across the country and one is right down the road. I'd love to start a new life in beautiful New Mexico, but here I could continue with Gymbo, piano lessons, and be with loved ones. The hard part about the pro and con list is that a lot of the scenarios are the same.

New Mexico Position -
Con - I know nothing about New Mexico.
Pro - I know nothing about New Mexico!
Con - I'd need to learn Spanish quickly.
Pro - I could learn to speak Spanish really quickly!

It's going to be a long night.

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