Sunday, September 11, 2011

Viva la fiesta!

It's true.

Today, 12 of my 20 chorus members sang in la fiesta performance with the high school and other middle schools. These kids who have challenged me since Day One astonished me with their professionalism. They were behaved, dressed nicely, light-hearted...they sang with energy and poise. I was so proud. I had so much fun. I sang and danced more than I should have. I did first field trip and my first kinda-mini-concert!

Some quotes of the day...
From a boy who never speaks ever: "Miss Echols, is that a boy or a girl?"
As I try eagerly to speak on the phone with one of the parents, a girl says to me: "umm..she speaks Spanish." Me: "oh."
Me, to stop this girl from flirting: "Save the poke war for facebook."
Girl on the phone with her Mom: "Estoy con la maestra...MAESTRA!"
Andie: "What kind of choir concert was that!?" and "I want to slap you."

Santa Fe is wild. Mariachi. Music. Mountains. Men. Mmmmm. QUE VIVA.

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