Thursday, July 18, 2013

New Jersey

"Life is big adventures, small moments, and the perfect cup of coffee."
- Caribou Coffee sign.

I spent almost 3 weeks in the NJ/NY/PA area. While I had hoped that I would go down to Dad's Wildwood trailer and do nothing for 3 weeks, I wound up driving all over the place every day. I got to see everyone, which was great, but I do wish I had scheduled in some "nothing" time.

Still, it was a beautiful 3 weeks. Big adventures included gay pride in NYC with my brothers and Wildwood trips. I had life-altering conversations and enjoyable moments with so many friends and family members (Dawn and family, Colin, Brittany...) down the shore and at Aunt Lesley's 4th of July BBQ. I also had the perfect cup of coffee down the shore made by Jessica (Warchal-King), sitting with PopPop, Jessica, and her husband Justin.

I spent the most time with Lexie. We discussed a trip up the West coast for next year - Summer 2014. Lexie immediately started asking questions and wanted to plan to the day. That boggled me as I have hardly ever travelled that way. Even in Peru it was like "hmm...let's go to this bus station and see if it can take us to ______." So, maybe I'll learn a thing about planning and she'll learn a thing about going with the flow.

I'm thankful for a place to call "home" even though I don't really consider myself having a home. It seems like this is going to be a thing, too...

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