Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day Three: Dayton, Ohio and the road

I woke up this morning and set off, stopping first at the Santa Maria for a hooping video opportunity. I thought I'd visit Dayton, Ohio briefly as Westminster Choir began there. The heat and my need to pee made the experience less than pleasing.

I saw the fountain you see above and thought "awesome hooping video shot!" so I set it up and it was going to be SO COOL. I pressed record and ran a distance away from the camera to begin. and the fountain. turned. off. *angry face.*

I moved on and now I'm in Indiana somewhere. The plan was to make it to St. Louis by tonight, but it matters if Nora Roberts' The Search on CD can keep me awake that long. (Thanks, Aunt Lesley & Robin & families!) If not, I'll stop at a motel and indulge in a long shower and sleepies.

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