Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Quirks of Santa Fe

Things I know about Santa Fe:
  • Everything is adobe. My house is adobe. McDonald's is adobe. The school is adobe. Every building is made out of adobe.
  • New Mexican food is different from Mexican food, and don't you dare tell them otherwise. New Mexican food uses green chili peppers or "Christmas" when they use both red and green, which changes the entire taste palate.
  • Nicknames of New Mexico/Santa Fe include: The Land of Enchantment, The Land of Entrapment, Fanta Se, The City Different, The Land of Sunshine
  • Despite being all adobe, the area of town I live in reminds me a lot of the Deptford Mall area.
  • Everyone is old, gay, or old and gay.
  • Monsoon season is soon, but that means that it'll downpour twenty minutes a day and then be over it.
Rundown of last night: I drove to my elementary school to introduce myself to...the parking lot. I'm so excited. I see beautiful mountains every day. Then I visited with my roommates and had a lovely introductory conversation. We talked about everything from his musicking to her architect job and celebrity "husbands." They are such cool people and my room/closet space/kitchen/working fireplace/everything is amazing. Then I met up with couchsurfer/band teacher Joel. Awesome guy. He showed me some of the local bars, and I met a few people from the Philly/NJ area! Joel seemed excited to have another young person on the team, and I'm excited to know somebody already.

Now I'm just waiting until I can move in. T-1.5 hrs.

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